British history teachers are no longer required to teach students about Winston Churchill.
Britain's World War II prime minister Winston Churchill has been cut from a list of key historical figures recommended for teaching in English secondary schools, a government agency says.
The radical overhaul of the school curriculum for 11- to 14-year-olds is designed to bring secondary education up to date and allow teachers more flexibility in the subjects they teach, the Government said.
That's just plain ridiculous. Churchill is one of the central figures of the 20th century; the article notes that a recent poll chose him as the greatest Briton ever. I argued for 20 years that Time would name him the man of the century; that they didn't just shows how deluded the mainstream media are.
He was a superb wartime commander, a brilliant writer, and clearly the man of the hour during the dark days of 1940, when it seemed quite likely that all of Europe would fall to the Nazis. I believe that in Bartlett's familiar quotations, the only man with more famed epigrams than Churchill was Shakespeare.
Rudy Giuliani’s presidential campaign moved quickly yesterday to blunt what it sees as a sensationalist Swift Boat-style attack by a firefighters’ union.
Seeking to avoid the mistake of delay that so hurt the presidential campaign of Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) in 2004, the former New York City mayor’s campaign went on the offensive before the attack was even formally released, dismissing the union as politically motivated.
But actually Giuliani's team got it right:
Howard Safir, former New York City Fire Department commissioner, said firefighters across the country “are very supportive of Rudy and what he did.”
He added, “Firefighter unions are not firefighters. This is bogus stuff. This is not Swift Boat.”
Get it? This is bogus stuff, unlike the Swift Boat Vets. Kudos to Safir!
ABC reports that an Al Qaeda cell may already be in the United States:
Senior U.S. intelligence officials tell ABC News new intelligence suggests a small al Qaeda cell is on its way to the United States, or may already be here.
The White House has convened an urgent multi-agency meeting for Thursday afternoon to deal with the new threat.
Well, you can imagine the reaction at the liberal blogs. Surely they are talking about how we have to leave the partisanship behind in order to combat this new threat?
What gives Chertoff the right to tell the country that he has a “gut” feeling that we’re going to be hit with a terrorist attack this summer?
Yes, how dare he? Just when everything was going so nice for the Democrats! I question the timing!
This is a calculated move to ratchet up the terror in this country to help Republican candidates—PERIOD. They are far behind in raising money and in all the polls. He should be fired, but of course since he’s being instructed to say these things (sounds like a Cheney/Rove play) he won’t be.
Shouldn't it concern us that Republicans are constantly talking about how people will all wise up when the next terrorist attack at home comes?
I mean, they really seem to be looking forward to it, and they take great delight in the thought that, by God, people will see things differently when it happens.
They relish the thought. They hunger for that terrorist attack they need to save their Party.
I, Not Atrios, think Democrats would be wise to talk on TV about how the last thing we need is to put people in power who have such a stake in having terrorists attack Americans.
I can easily start with the obvious - we were attacked in the fall, that is, September 2001. So I would think that the fall is "appealing" to "them," whomever they are.
Uh, Larissa, the fall starts on September 21, so September 11 is in the summer.
The Firedogs want to remind us that any terror attack means a failure of the Iraq war to do what it was supposed to.
The American people can figure out that if there really were a genuine, imminent threat of another attack on US soil it would mean (1) the policy of “fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them here” has both failed and even worse, likely provoked another attack here and (2) it’s foolhardy to have our forces, including much of your National Guard, bogged down in Iraq.
Just might be Cindy Sheehan. As you're no doubt aware by now, Cindy has unretired herself from activism and is threatening to run for Nancy Pelosi's seat in Congress if Pelosi doesn't introduce articles of impeachment against President Bush in the next two weeks. Better still, some kook bloggers are now talking about running as well.
So, I'm going to issue this challenge to my readers and fellow bloggers: If you think this liberal Democrat should give Mr. Ryan a run for his money, I'd like you to spread the word. Political bloggers blog because they want to be catalysts for political change and spread their messages through the internets; so, let's use this medium for all it's worth! Link this post to every lefty blog you read. Link to this post in a bulletin with your MySpace accounts. E-mail a link to this post to all your friends, families and acquaintances who still believes there's some hope left for this country and for the way of life we once knew. If we, as bloggers, readers of blogs, and citizens of this nation can make a difference on the netroots level, then by golly, let's do it!
And yes, she is a typical liberal blogger; lots of foul-mouthed posts. Anyway, the good news is that people like this give us a fighting chance that the Left will go too far in this election. Unfortunately, they seem helpless to prevent the Hillary steamroller.
I find that to be quite unacceptable for a journalist. He can question Paul’s viability, but “no chance in hell” isn’t the attitude a journalist should display publicly.
Putting it it quotes like that certainly implies that Stephanopolous said those words, but he didn't.
I’m not a huge fan of Ron Paul, but I do think what Stephanopoulos said was absolutely disgusting and I doubt he would say it to Joe Biden or Chris Dodd....
I don't see anything disgusting about George's observation. He's not doing a straight news show, he's doing news analysis. The point about Biden and Dodd is valid, but I'd argue that just shows that he should be discounting their chances as well, not pretending that Ron Paul is going to win the nomination.
Looking at the comments on any news article about Paul, it strikes me how much the Paul groundswell is a twisted, funhouse version of Barack Obama’s own rise. Both men are running personality-based candidacies, positioning themselves as outsiders who are bringing new ideas to the conversation after years of the same old crap. Both men are raising incredible amounts of money that is disproportionate to their polling–though it has to be said that Obama has a much better chance of winning his party’s nod than Paul does his. And both are selling their candidacies using returns to ideals classically held by their parties–Obama the Kennedyesque appeals to hope, good government, and principle, and Paul the belief in low taxes, less government, etc. Whether or not they support these principles isn’t the point–it’s how they’re selling the principles, and people are buying.
The notion that people are buying Ron Paul is quite a stretch. He's got cash in the bank, yes, but he's not spending it, which should tell everybody something.
Mark Steyn has the same thought I did: Couldn't the Islamic nutjob doctors in the UK have done far more damage with a hypodermic needle than they did with a car bomb?
Maybe their mistake was trying to blow up the airport instead of wreaking subtler havoc on the infidels. Did you see this week's scare-of-the-week from the Chinese health system? "About 420 bottles of fake blood protein, albumin, were found at hospitals in Hubei province but none had been used to treat patients, said Liu Jinai, an official with the inspection division of the provincial food and drug administration."
Well, this being China, where public lies about public health are routine, we just have to take Liu Jinai's word that "none had been used to treat patients." But imagine what Doctor Jihad could get up to if he stopped trying to use the syringe as a detonator and just resumed using it as a syringe?
Doctors are very much in a position to do real damage. Thank god this set did not pursue that course, but who's to say the next ones won't?
Cited for Breaking the Christmas in Cambodia story (at Kerry Haters):
Hugh Hewitt: KerryHaters was on this story a long time ago. How could the elite media not have asked these questions before now?
Ankle-Biting Pundits: Our friends Pat and Kitty at Kerry Haters deserve the blog equivalent of a Pulitzer for their coverage of Kerry's intricate web of lies regarding Vietnam.