The Swift Boat Thing AgainAs usual, the media
get it wrong:
Rudy Giuliani’s presidential campaign moved quickly yesterday to blunt what it sees as a sensationalist Swift Boat-style attack by a firefighters’ union.
Seeking to avoid the mistake of delay that so hurt the presidential campaign of Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) in 2004, the former New York City mayor’s campaign went on the offensive before the attack was even formally released, dismissing the union as politically motivated.
But actually Giuliani's team got it right:
Howard Safir, former New York City Fire Department commissioner, said firefighters across the country “are very supportive of Rudy and what he did.”
He added, “Firefighter unions are not firefighters. This is bogus stuff. This is not Swift Boat.”
Get it? This is bogus stuff,
unlike the Swift Boat Vets. Kudos to Safir!
Labels: Swift Boat Veterans for Truth