There's No War Against ChristmasOr so
says this blogger, who then proceeds in a lunatic frenzy to tear Christmas apart.
I had an epiphany in my local Target store the other day that I f*cking HATE Christmas. It's not really Christmas itself that I hate but I loathe what it has become under the same 'suck out the marrow' form of looter capitalism that has like a starving leech devoured the very soul of this country and turned it's inhabitants into mindless consumerist zombies. Laissez faire, tooth fang and nail, f*ck you capitalism has done to Christmas exactly what it has done to every thing else that it has touched. It has destroyed, debauched, devalued and dehumanized every bit of normal life to the point where it is every bit as vile and rotten as the proverbial triple-decker toadstool sandwich with arsenic sauce.
And those are the milder parts. As usual with the cuckoo left, despite all the claims about their love for the common people, the actual feeling is loathing:
The store's aisles were filled by poorly dressed, shuffling mainly corpulent creatures who were babbling incessantly into their cell phones and filling their bright red plastic shopping carts to overflowing with Chinese made junk.
They're poorly dressed? How about a little "liberal eye for the blue collar guy"?
The metaphorical War on Christmas appeals to the same type of low grade, knuckle dragging white trash that would drive around a beater with a bumper sticker affixed that says "At least I can still smoke in my car" the plaintive wail of a clueless peckerwood who cares not one iota that he can be dragged away by private paramilitary thugs, held for life in a dark little cell and tortured until he has the mental capacity of a piece of furniture.
They drive around in a beater? Horrors! Thank goodness we have liberals who can simultaneously decry rampant commercialism while tooling around in a late-model Mercedes!
Only in this sad nation populated by knuckle dragging miscreants, raptureheads, singing pigs, boiling frogs, philistines and fatsos where the collective intelligence and knowledge of the average American could be rolled up into a little ball to the point where it could fit neatly inside of Brittney Spears' navel could something as preposterous as this be happening.
It almost reads like a parody of an effete liberal, doesn't it?