Friday, June 01, 2007
Romney's Embarrassing CampaignOkay, so it's Joe Klein and that means take it with more than a usual grain of salt: In fact, when Romney slowed down and focused on a single issue — immigration — at a press conference in Dover, N.H., the brazen cynicism of his candidacy became almost embarrassing. He has flipped on immigration, to better suit the Mexican-fearing tendencies of a segment of the Republican base. He's against the comprehensive reform bill being considered by the Senate, and, of course, that's because the bill would offer a path to citizenship for the 12 million illegals currently in the country. A reporter asks, What would you do about them? Make them get in the back of the line. Would they have to leave the country to do that? Mumble mumble evasion. Would you be in favor of kicking them out? Oh, no, not that. Then what would you actually favor? "I'm not going to lay down a posture different from the others being considered." Interesting: Romney takes postures, not positions. And Klein is absolutely on the money on one point: But there isn't the slightest hint of courage or conviction in his stump act. It's a candidacy for the era before 2001, before things got serious. And his success or failure will be a reflection of how serious the electorate is in 2008. Amen. Labels: 2008 Candidates, Mitt Romney
The Importance of Being FredFred Thompson is now apparently in the race. As others have pointed out, this may be his big mistake; he's like the backup quarterback on many NFL teams. He's the most popular guy in town right up until the moment that he actually gets into the game, when everybody realizes that he's not the savior. But there’s no denying that Fred Thompson has one of the most profound personality cults we’ve seen in politics for a long time. While traveling around the country in recent months, I’ve been amazed at how many rank-and-file Republicans see Thompson as a secular savior, as if Thompson were designed by GOP-friendly alien scientists as some sort of Super Candidate. I like Thompson, but he's got a long way to go to establish that he's a credible candidate. Labels: 2008 Candidates, Fred Thompson
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Now That Cindy Has Some Free Time....She's apparently going to look into 9-11 "Truth".  Labels: 9-11 Conspiracy, 9-11 Truth, Cindy Sheehan
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Rolling Stone Stuck in the 1960s?Here's a terrific article about how fossilized Rolling Stone has become, even as the icons of that decade show some growth and humility: "Do you think it's gloomy on the horizon," Editor Jann Wenner asks Bob Dylan.
"In what sense do you mean," Dylan replies.
"Bob, come on," Wenner goads.
"No, you come on. In what sense do you mean that?" Dylan demands.
Wenner tries again: "We seem to be hell-bent on destruction. Do you worry about global warming?"
"Where's the global warming?" Dylan asks. "It's freezing here." Jack Nicholson: "I'm a patriotic fella and this factionalism today isn't to my liking. I'm incapable of hating a president of the United States."
Stewart Brand, LSD tripper and inventor of the Whole Earth Catalog: "Almost everything we tried either failed hideously or didn't pan out. Communes failed, drugs went nowhere, free love led pretty much to AIDS. A lot of people thought Mao Tse Tung was a hero." Labels: Rolling Stone
Monday, May 28, 2007
Will Ward Churchill Finally Get the Axe?That's apparently the recommendation University of Colorado President Brown has made to the Board of Regents: The report, dated Friday, includes a number of reasons why Brown believes the controversial professor should be sacked.
Chief among them is "conduct which falls below the minimum standards of professional integrity." The wheels of justice may grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine. Labels: Ward Churchill