DreamingGotta enjoy this post
by a liberal:
Within hours and possibly minutes I expect the president will name Elizabeth Warren to lead the new consumer protection agency, and if he does, the Democratic base will erupt and turn out to vote in far greater numbers than any current poll suggests.
I could be wrong; Obama might give up at the last minute, which would be the last betrayal of the Democratic base and very possibly the death knell of the Democratic House of Representatives. But if he names Warren, the pundits be will amazed, astonished and flabbergasted by the lift this would give to the Democratic base and by the voter turnout that would follow.
Why? Because Elizabeth Warren is The Greatest; Mohammed Ali was just borrowing the title. She will trump the economy, she will trump the deficit. Liberals will turn out in droves to reelect the Democrats to an even greater majority than they currently enjoy. In fact, the Republican party may have to disband.
Or something. Why all this will happen is left unsaid. Who Elizabeth Warren is, and her qualifications for the job are also not mentioned. It's hard to imagine that Warren's six-year-old son could write a less compelling article.