GOP Needs to Suck Up to Anti-Immigration Wing Or the Nazis Will Get ThemI think that's the point of this
Robert Stacy McCain column.
Thus, Johnson's guilt-by-association attack on Geller highlights the real problem we face in America: If the Republican Party and the mainstream conservative movement don't recognize and respond to our own citizens' concerns about immigration and multiculturalism, then those issues will be taken over by similarly disreputable groups.
I don't know the truth about Johnson v Geller; it certainly does appear that she's going to appear at a conference hosted by a German with lots of neo-Nazi associations; that is the "guilt by association" part. Geller's response is rather surprising:
And just for the record, nazis do not hang out with Jews, even pretty ones. Ever.
Later she links to this post which supposedly proves that the
neo-Nazis are pro-Israel. How can they tell?
In reality, the fact that we were invited to speak indicates in itself that Pro-Köln is not a neo-Nazi group. We are known to be pro-Israel, and if I go I would speak in defense of Israel and against neo-Nazism, Holocaust denial, etc. Outside of Charles Johnson's fantasies, no one has ever actually seen a pro-Israel neo-Nazi.
Don't those two "rebuttals" amount to the same point; that they can't be neo-Nazis because they're willing to hang out with "us" (Jews and Israel supporters)? They do link to this
post at PJ Media which claims that some neo-Nazis don't support the Free Cologne Movement because they look at the Islamists as their allies against the Jews.
I'm not going to link to the Little Green Footballs post that kicked this all off because I do think that Charles is making this personal.