Matt Yglesias Calls for Return of the 95% Tax RateMr
Some people, as I understand it, just don’t think inequality is a problem. But for the egalitarians among us, I’ve never really understood the view that obscene executive compensation is an issue that absolutely positively certainly must only be addressed through the indirect Rube Goldberg-esque method of changing corporate governance rules. What if we had a 95 percent marginal tax rate on income over $10 million?
As I recall, Matty mentioned recently that he was making comfortably more than $60 grand (and he gripes
about his workload). I suggest that we put the 95% tax bracket on all income over that $60,000 marker; then Matt might suddenly "get it". And listen to this hilarious suggestion about what will happen:
But my strong suspicion is that at the end of the day most of the super-rich would ultimately find it a relief to get off the treadmill of status-competition and the not-quite-so-rich would be thrilled to see their betters cut down to size.
Thrilled indeed.
Labels: Matt Yglesias, Tax Increases