More 435 District NonsenseFrom
Andrew Breitbart:
Back in 2004, a smart, good-looking moderate Republican Hispanic ran for Congress. At the time Victor Elizalde was just under 40 years old and working as an executive at a big-time Hollywood studio. As an ethnic minority, a family man and a rare open conservative in an industry dominated by liberals, Mr. Elizalde represented hope and change for the Republican Party.
Yet because he was running for Henry A. Waxman´s safe seat, Mr. Elizalde got no support from the Republican Party . In fact, no one in the party´s leadership took notice of him. As a result Mr. Waxman trounced Mr. Elizalde with 71 percent of the vote.
Robert Stacy McCain turns it
into another excuse to bash RINOs:
The "cretinous b*stards" who run the Republican Party will gladly throw away millions to support useless RINOs like Lincoln Chafee, but let a real conservative fight to win a primary, and watch how those overpaid geniuses at the GOPHQ "cocktail party" treat him like a leper.
The idea that there was some level of support that the GOP could have given Elizalde that would have resulted in a win is ridiculous. In Hollywood? McCain brings up the case of
Lt. Col. Allan West. West at least appears to have had a chance to win; he lost by 10 percentage points which is not an unsurmountable deficit.
Chafee is a liberal weenie, no denying that. But anybody who thinks a "real conservative" is going to win in Rhode Island, one of the most liberal states in the union, needs to have his head examined.