Deborah Lawrence's "Art"This gal
attracted some attention by putting a message of impeachment on a Christmas tree ornament that will be hung in the White House:
The nine-inch ball is covered with swirly red and white stripes -- and, in tiny glued-on text, salutes the Democratic congressman's support for a resolution to impeach President Bush. (Also showcased: Washington state's 1919 labor strike, its suffrage movement and the violent anti-World Trade Organization riots of 1999.) Lawrence sent it off to D.C. in September and was very surprised it was accepted for the tree -- and that she was invited to this afternoon's White House reception for the artists, which she flew to D.C. to attend.
Well, the part there that immediately caught my eye was the bit about "glued-on text". My theory is that the quality of art is inversely proportional to the number of words incorporated into the art. Sure enough, it looks like Lawrence is more of an aspiring editorial cartoonist than an artist. Check out some other examples:

Mrs M is reminded of
crank letter writers:
I occasionally get hate mail written in the teeniest, tiniest scrawl that will go on and on for pages. I’m always fascinated by the painstaking script — and the amount of time that must have gone into working out whatever strange pathologies gripped the writer.