Hyping the Global Warming ScamDid anybody catch NBC's "going green" for Sunday Night Football yesterday? At halftime, they featured Bob Costas and Meredith Viera somberly (but not soberly) presenting a segment on global warming. To let us know how seriously NBC takes global warming, they had flown Viera, a camera crew and I presume her makeup artist and hair stylist to Sydney Australia, which according to Viera is facing the loss of its famed Opera House due to the rising sea levels. Viera informed us that the sea levels could rise as much as 200 feet; that's only one order of magnitude greater than Al Gore's nutty claim of 20 feet (which is in turn, an order of magnitude greater than the IPCC's claim of 18 inches). Viera also mentioned that the Today Show would be broadcasting from the Snows of Kilamanjaro, which are disappearing, possibly because of NBC's lighting for the Today Show set.
Guys, if you really want to set an example, get the NFL to move your game to the mid-afternoon, when all those stadium lights won't be necessary. And tell the audience to turn off the TV and sit quietly for three hours, trying not to breathe too fast.