Andrew Sullivan, Still on the Palin Pregnancy StoryGotta hand it to that old newshound, he's sticking with
his conspiracy theory:
We have been given no actual records of the last pregnancy, or any reccords at all, although we are told by the elusive Dr. Catherine Baldwin-Johnson that labor was at 35 weeks - not as premature as previously believed (if you research the average weight of full term DS babies, you find, by the way, that Trig was not underweight). There is no time for any reporters to ask any questions, of course, or any time for the questions raised by the pregnancy to be aired in the press.... We need documentation to verify the last pregnancy: the amniocentesis results with Sarah Palin's name on them, for example, would be readily available and easy to disseminate, and would help raise awareness of Down Syndrome.
Lol! I still respect his writing skills, but he's gone completely insane. The Trig Truthers, indeed.