Why Not Vote for Obama?All the cool kids are. Jules Crittenden
skewers the Obamacons:
Sure, he has a nice easy smile, but he also looks very determined, strong-jawed yet thoughtful, as if he’s very seriously pondering, “Why do they hate us?” Don’t laugh, that’s not funny. There is absolutely nothing in the record to indicate that President Obama wouldn’t slap the cuffs on any jihadis when the evidence is there that they plan to attack America, or already have, and that the Obama Justice Department won’t throw the book at them in a major way. He’s personally going to invade Pakistan, or not, depending. And he’s got some stern words for a lot of dictators he intends to deliver face-to-face, mano a mano. Nuke-happy mullahs, watch out: There’s a new community resource officer in town, and you’re about to be read your Miranda rights.
Yep, he'll capture Osama and put him on trial in New York, where Bin Laden can't face the death penalty, and they'll reform him there so that he renounces his terrorist ways and promises to be good and the Truthers and the folks from the Free Mumia movement will have somebody else to swoon over.