A Journey from Being a Stupid American....To being
a stupid Leftist:
I was horribly ignorant. To be fair I, just like many people, had a lot of factors working against the possibility of me finding out the truth. High school history classes omit anything controversial. Texas is the holy grail of contracts for any high school text book publisher, so anything controversial is left out. Texas is not the only culprit, it is just the biggest. Like hospital food, textbooks are kept bland to make sure not to offend anyone who can’t handle spiciness. Also in my defense, I was never a person who could not locate Japan on a globe, or who did not know who the vice president was. I thought was one of the informed people of the US. Ahh, sadly, I was not even remotely informed.
Over the last two years, I have found out that:
Well, you can probably guess, it's the usual litany of evil that a kid who's just read Howard Zinn's books can spout. My guess is he's just finished his sophomore year at college. He's a little off here:
Another change to the Constitution is that Senators were not originally elected by the people, they were elected by members of the House of Representatives.
Not quite; the Senators were elected by the members of the various state legislatures, not the same thing as the House. And he's got a lot of ridiculous nonsense as well:
US oil companies are going to make money off of the sale of Iraqi oil. The US has been unable to get the Iraqi Oil Law passed through the Iraqi Parliament, even though I have read that they offered each member $1 Million each to pass it. Recent contracts circumvent the law anyway, our oil companies are going in, and they will make money selling Iraqi Oil.
Whether he pulled that one out of his butt or read it on a message forum at Zmag, it's nutty.
And don't ever tell me that committed Leftists love America:
Are we a good country? The evidence I cited above would indicate that it is probably not what we are doing at all. Yet for almost two years I have tried to tell my friends and family these things, and they resist them. My aunt recently said ‘well maybe the US has done some bad things, but I refuse to believe the US is the worst country in the world’?
This is a common sentiment. Why would anyone though, refuse to believe (accept) anything , if they are given evidence to support what they are being told?
The worst country in the world?