According to
the article:

Obama's daughters, Sasha and Malia, did skate—tentatively but adorably. Obama and his wife, Michelle, walked alongside while a ring of photographers and cameramen captured the scene. At one point, Obama's youngest, 6-year-old Sasha, skated a short nervous distance into her father's outstretched arms. If the point of the scene was to make the candidate look just like any other (well-dressed) Indiana father out on a Saturday night, then campaign strategists got what they wanted.
Actually what they got looks way too much like John Travolta getting out onto the dance floor. Yes, he's hot and he knows it.
Weird. Is this the kind of stuff we'll be seeing out of him instead of the baseball and football throws on the tarmac that Kerry amused us with? He doesn't look like any other well-dressed Indiana father on a Saturday night, he looks like he's auditioning for America's Next Top Model.