Bomb Blast at Military Recruiting Center in NYC: Liberals to Suffer DisproportionatelyStory
New York City police officers and firefighters cordoned off much of Times Square for more than two hours after a small explosion — set off, the authorities said, by an “improvised explosive device” — damaged the front of the Armed Forces Career Center on the traffic island bounded by 43rd and 44th Streets, Seventh Avenue and Broadway at 3:43 a.m., officials said. No one was injured, and after a temporary interruption, subway service was restored.
Not surprisingly, some connected this to the
Code Pinko demonstrations at various recruiting stations including Times' Square:
The Times Square recruiting station "has been the site of regular antiwar protests since the start of the Iraq war." Given the increasing virulence of attacks on the military and on military recruiting facilities by antiwar groups like Code Pink, most notably the repeated confrontations in Berkeley, one could speculate that a liberal group is the most likely culprit. So far, however, there are no suspects.
Well, John Cole
had a cow:
Some jackass threw an incendiary device through the window of a recruiting station in Times Square, so you all know what that means- another 5 weeks of LIEBERALS HATE AMERIKKA from the chest-thumping, cheeto-munching chickenhawk brigade.
Because, you know, there is no way a liberal could have done that. Forget about the Weather Underground fruitcakes from the 1970s (Barack Obama would certainly like you to).
Cole actually used to be a pretty readable guy, but he's gone from moderate conservative to screaching lib in the course of a year or two. And if anything, his commenters are even more nutty:
The Other Steve Says:
I’m curious how Skipper Ed knows that these are not foreign terrorists?
Could he perhaps have some insight into the crime? Maybe a Fire in the Reichstag type insight?