What Is The Fascination with Assassination?I don't get why there is
so much talk about it with regard to Obama. Here's a hilarious, hand-wringing post at the Moderate Voice on a Mexican editorial about how Barack should make Hillary his veep nominee, because at least that way, when Obama's killed we won't be stuck with another four years of the Republicans. Seriously:
What if he were murdered? If Barack Obama won the Democratic nomination and was gunned down before November, what effect would this have on the presidential race?
And the editorial is even more nutty:
The reason I fear for Obama is that despite his being an extraordinary Democratic leader and a notable promoter of change in the United States - a nation that apparently no longer wishes to greet the dawn with news of another bombing attack on a new country at the behest of George Bush - in spite of all this, and even if he manages to win his party’s nomination, goes on to beat McCain in November and becomes the next president of the United States, he could be brutally assassinated, as happened in their time to Martin Luther King and Malcolm X . There’s no reason to kill a McCain - not for his skin color, nor for his political career, nor for his personal name, and it’s impossible to associate him with the Muslims that arouse sop much prejudice in post-Sept. 11 America...
And it's not like this is the first time we've seen this type of speculation. I confess, I don't get it. I suppose the idea is that he arouses the same types of feelings as Kennedy does, and therefore he's doomed to be killed as Kennedy was.