Mitt Dark in Feb 5 States?Sounds like they're waiting for the other
shoe to drop:
Time's Mark Halperin notices that, while Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton -- and, within a few hours, even John Edwards -- are running ads in February 5 states, Romney and other Republican hopefuls are not. While John McCain and Rudy Giuliani are probably out of money, Romney, as he has done throughout the year, can write himself a check.
But instead of getting a head start on his rivals, Romney remains dark in Super Tuesday states. Campaign spokesman Kevin Madden says the campaign is going according to plan, though. "It's our goal to be competitive in all these early states," he says. "You can make the case that you have a growing level of momentum" heading into February 5.
Romney is an astute businessman, and one of the first rules of business is that you don't throw good money after bad.
My prediction is that McCain wins by about five points. I feel much more confident today than I did last Saturday, before South Carolina.
Labels: Florida, Mitt Romney