Liberal Bloggers Gritting Their TeethSometimes we get caught up in the drama surrounding our candidates that we don't pay attention to what's happening in Left Blogistan. I didn't pay much attention to the drop-out of John Edwards, having long since discounted his chances. But the liberal bloggers were apparently on board with giving that poor girl a coat. Check out this poll at Kos:

As you can see, as late as a week ago, John Edwards still held the hearts and minds of the Kossacks, despite the rather obvious fact that he was hanging on by a thread. Yet another loss for the Progressosphere!
It looks like the Kos crowd has now decided to give their kiss of death to Barack. Over at the HuffnPuff, Bob Cesca declares it is time for the
big libs to get off the fence. Let's see if you can figure out whom he wants them to support:
Last night's non-victory victory rally in Florida underscored everything that's awful and ridiculous about the Clinton-Clinton '08 style. They pledged not to campaign in Florida, yet they campaigned there anyway. The primary was unofficial and no delegates were counted, yet they celebrated with a televised victory rally anyway -- ostensibly to trick some casual viewers and supporters into thinking it was a meaningful win.
Meanwhile the
cows at Moo-On are debating endorsing a candidate as well. But they're looking at an unrealistic hurdle:
MoveOn has never endorsed a candidate for President. Last cycle, it required a 50 percent threshold for its presidential endorsement, and Howard Dean fell 6 points short. But now MoveOn has raised the bar to 66 percent-- a supermajority that will be hard for either candidate to meet. MoveOn members were largely split between Obama, Edwards, Kucinich and Clinton during its three virtual town halls about public policy last year.
I suspect that the 66% requirement is a way of getting out of endorsing anybody. If you think the infighting among Republicans this cycle is bitter, you should see what's going on with the Donks. The Clintonistas are absolutely furious at Obama, while the Obama Mamas are irate at Hillary (and Bill).
Labels: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton