I Love the Smell of Napalm In the Morning....
Smells like victory. Now, I know that there are lots of people out there telling you that it's not over, that there's still a way to derail the Straight Talk Express. I'm here to tell you they're whistling past the graveyard, digging for the pony, looking for the silver lining.
Some have begun to accept grimly that
they have lost.
But it's true. When the campaign comes here to Massachusetts on February 5th, I'll proudly cast my vote for any option on the GOP ballot other than You-Know-Who. But it will be a futile gesture. Mr. "1/3rd Of The GOP Primary Vote" is going to be the nominee.
Sour grapes only give you acid reflux.
As I noted in an email to some friends, Mitt is going to take a long, hard look at his chances and decide to bail. His pockets aren't deep enough to get him over the hump in the big winner take all states next Tuesday. He's way, way down in New York and New Jersey, even before we factor in the likely endorsement of McCain by Giuliani, or the bounce the Senator gets from Florida. In California Romney's more competitive, but it's not WTA; it's congressional district by congressional district. I do predict smashing wins by Romney in Utah and Massachusetts next week.
Some are sifting through the tea leaves in Florida, trying to claim that some nefarious schemers allowed independents to vote in the Sunshine State. Captain Ed does a good job of
debunking that theory.
Labels: John McCain, Mitt Romney