Fraser on England, Political Correctness and EverythingThis is the best thing you could
read all weekend. I lamented the passing of George MacDonald Fraser, the creator of the fabulous Flashman novels the other day, noting their attention to historical detail. Today, he rises from the grave to absolutely lambaste the left in general and the Labour Party in particular for the decay of England. It's absolutely a piece to savor from one of the great writers:
I think little of people who will deny their history because it doesn't present the picture they would like.
My forebears from the Highlands of Scotland were a fairly primitive, treacherous, blood-thirsty bunch and, as Robert Louis Stevenson once wrote, would have been none the worse for washing. Fine, let them be so depicted, if any film maker feels like it; better that than insulting, inaccurate drivel like Braveheart.
The philosophy of political correctness is now firmly entrenched over here, too, and at its core is a refusal to look the truth squarely in the face, unpalatable as it may be.
I cannot recommend this highly enough. Solid conservative thought from a great writer.
Labels: Conservatism, George MacDonald Fraser