An Interview With Fred Thompson's WifeOur longtime buddy John Hawkins
does a superb job with these interviews, and I recommend this one strongly:
I agree with you. Now, let me ask you a question you've probably heard 500 times: you have been called a trophy wife quite a bit during this campaign. Do you find that insulting given what you've accomplished in your life?
You know, your perspective changes as things in your life change. At first, it was kind of a strange experience to go through, but now, after being on the bus with the boys, and being 41 years old with two kids under 4, I am thinking that's not such a bad thing to be said about me.
She comes off as a very intelligent and caring woman. As you folks know, I'm supporting John McCain for President. But one thing I've learned in the last couple of weeks is that all of the top Republican contenders have terrific qualities. We're going to be well-represented next November no matter who gets the nomination.
Labels: Fred Thompson