The Marching MoronsThis is pretty idiotic even for the Moonbats. A writer
at Op-Ed News alerts us to the "March of the People".
The March of the People, a spontaneous sprout from the silent majority, stepped off from Chicago June 21 and will walk the 800 miles to the Capitol, arriving on the anniversary of 9/11. They will be met by marchers who are on the way from other directions.
We could be in D.C. on September 11 in the tens of millions to join them. Our interest groups and independent media could focus on getting people to the Capitol on September 11. Our members of Congress who stand by the Constitution could call us to the Capitol.
Tens of millions, eh? Well, as it turns out, the March of the People turns out to be a misnomer. It's actually the March of the Person.

A person named Mario Penalver. Despite some
positively glowing coverage by the Left, so far it's a solo march. So in order to get the tens of millions that Kathlyn Stone fantasizes about, they're going to have to rustle up, oh, about 19,999,999 more folks.
Labels: Impeachment