Andrew Sullivan Falls for Ron PaulI've been covering Ron Paul a lot over at the Screw Loose Change Blog, but mostly on his Truther-friendly comments. Now that seems
to be wrapped up for the moment, I thought it might be worth a chuckle to read what Andrew Sullivan
thinks of Ron Paul.
Paul also has serious online support. Like Howard Dean – another crank – Ron Paul’s supporters are overrepresented on the web. They blasted all the online polls about the debate, and Paul thereby “won” or came second in the debate, according to the ABC News poll, the Fox News poll and almost every other online poll out there. His campaign has deployed YouTube to great effect as well, and the hostility of the Republican establishment has only given his little political insurgency more oxygen.
Paul has a core of libertarian support that apparently has figured out how to successfully spam internet polls; but the notion that he's got real support is ridiculous. He's not even registering
in real polls.
Labels: Ron Paul