Mitt Romney Supports Secret Timetable for Withdrawal?
ABC News didn't miss this little scoop and tied it to a Democratic proposal:
Gov. Mitt Romney's, R-Mass., call this morning for a set of timetables for withdrawal from Iraq -- private timetables unknown to the public -- bears some striking similarities to an idea hatched and endorsed by Democratic Senator Mark Pryor, D-Arkansas.
Pryor has been alone in his calls for a classified timetable and has drawn skepticism from the reporters who wrote about them, as well as his Democratic and Republican colleagues who would not support them.
"Romney is absolutely wrong in recommending a secret timetable," Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., tells ABC News in a telephone interview while campaigning in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. "Secret timetables are bad because in the end they all become public and the enemy uses them to estimate the limit on America’s endurance."
Let me suggest a not-so-secret timetable for withdrawal of my own: When the job is done.