Media Matters Draws O'Reilly's IreI've commented in the past that I don't particularly like O'Reilly's bombastic style, but he's
right on the money with his criticism of George Soros and Media Matters, a kook outfit that harasses any media outlets that aren't comfortably to the left of Fidel Castro.
Here's a graphic used on the program:

The Tides Foundation
has attracted attention in the past. In 2004 it was disclosed that John Kerry's wife, Teh-RAY-za Heinz Kerry, had financed Tides to the tune of $4 million. Among other groups, Tides donated $150,000 to the Ruckus Society, a bunch of nutty anarchists who caused $3 million in damage to Seattle during the WTO riots in 1999. The Ruckus group also planned major disruptions of the Republican National Convention in 2004, although they were largely unsuccessful:
Although they threatened a ruckus disruptive enough to force the evacuation of the Big Apple’s Madison Square Garden, protester activists left last week’s GOP convention with their proverbial tails tucked between their legs. For all of their big talk, tall tales, pink panties and traffic-stopping tactics, the Republican convention went off without a glitch.
Needless to say, all this talk about Soros cash and the Media Matters creeps has the Lefty blogs up in arms:
Here is how it works: You see, George Soros gives million dollar bills to someone (probably Hillary Clinton) at the mysteriously named Open Society Institute who then goes to the check cashing place and gets them broken down into thousand dollar bills (out of sequence of course) which are then placed in those Hallmark envelopes (with the oval for the dead president face to show through) that grandmothers use to give out five dollar bills on birthdays and mitzvahs.
Oliver Willis puts O'Reilly in a
tin-foil hat:
But there he is, night after night, Bill O'Reillying it up like the modern day McCarthy he is. At a certain point crazy becomes performance art. Here's to you, Bill O.
Of course this "non-denial denial" is a little undercut by the disclaimer:
The views on this site are mine and mine alone, they do not reflect the views of my employer, Media Matters for America.
Labels: Bill O'Reilly, Media Matters