The Amazing Race: Lumps in LumpurTeams are required to fly to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Charla and Mirna get on some hotel computers and refuse to give one of them up for Eric and Danielle. The latter grumble, but really there was no reason for them to cede. Uchenna & Joyce decide to risk a flight that gives them only an hour layover in Franfurt; since there is a 45-minutes ahead of time requirement this leaves them with only 15 minutes to play with.
One and a Half Women get by far the best flight, arriving several hours ahead of the other teams. Uchenna and Joyce get hosed, as they just miss their connection in Frankfurt and must wait until the following day. This is effectively the last we see of them in this episode.

The teams must go to the Batu Caves, where the cluebox sends them to a mosque. Caution, Yield Ahead! One and a Half Women decide not to yield anybody, but the Beauty Queens yield Eric and Danielle. Eric, furious, calls them "dirty hookers".
The cluebox contains a Detour: Artistic Expression or Cookie Confection. In the first, they must make a batik print; in the second they must bite into cookies in 600 boxes to find the one cookie which has a licorice center.
Now, I'm thinking right off the bat that's a heck of a lot of cookies, but several teams choose that option. The batik print does not look difficult, and sure enough the Beauty Queens zip through it while Charla & Mirna are chomping away. Finally One and a Half Women decide to bail on the task.
Young Gay has an argument. Is the task to find the one box with cookies with licorice centers, or to find just one single cookie? It certainly appears to me from the way the clue reads that it's the latter and at about 50 cookies per box, that's 30,000 cookies.
After much back and forth, they decide to bail on that option as well. But they screw up their first effort at the batik, by making 16 horizontal prints instead of 15 and they must start all over again. Meanwhile, Eric and Danielle, after waiting out their yield, have gotten lucky and found the lone cookie.
Next up: Roadblock! One player must cycle around a neighborhood looking for old newspapers to recycle. You know I love the bicycle challenges and bicycles and newspapers are old hat for me. Like Miss California, I had a paper route as my first job.
The BQs finish up and the clue is to head to the Pit Stop. By this time, much of the drama has gone out of the evening despite the best efforts to make us forget that Joyce & Uchenna are still in Germany. The blondes arrive first, followed by One and a Half Women, Eric and Danielle and Young Gay. When Joyce & Uchenna finally arrive in Kuala Lumpur the producers don't even make them face the challenges; instead they are instructed to head to the Pit Stop, where they are Phil-Liminated.
Be sure to check out
Viking Pundit's wrap-up of the day's events as well!
Labels: The Amazing Race