This Isn't A JokeAlthough it should be:

I don't always look at the magazines right away; they make great reading material on a plane. But this one, from last week is quite annoying, and will result in the cancellation of my SI subcription. As you can imagine, despite the attempt at humor on the cover, there is no similar levity inside the magazine. The attempts to tie it to sports are tenuous at best; for example, they speculate that Willie Mays might never have caught Vic Wertz's fly ball if the temperature had just been a degree warmer that day.
They also show that all the major league ballparks in Florida would be under water, showing what the Sunshine State would look like with a "six meter sea level rise". But of course nobody outside of Al Gore is projecting that increase; they mention that by 2100 the rise is projected at "up to a meter".
That the planet is getting warmer seems self-evident, although those digging out from the latest snowstorm might have trouble believing it. The question is whether it's the sun heating up or the earth not radiating as much heat back into space. And there's plenty of evidence that the sun itself is heating up, making it somewhat ridiculous for us to try to combat.
As usual for the doomsayers, there is no discussion of any positive effects of global warming; we're all losers. With no apparent sense of irony, they present a good amount of charts showing how many fewer ski resorts there will be in Europe based on some projections handily provided to SI by uninterested third parties like the Natural Resources Defense Council. Oh, jeez, you mean I won't be able to fly over to the Alps for a week? Qu'elle dommage!
Labels: Global Warming, Sports Illustrated