More False Equivalency from Sockboy GreenwaldSheesh, this is
a stupid post.
Glenn Greenwald, observing that John Edwards' blogstress is under attack for her profane and anti-Catholic screeds tries to draw an equivalency with Patrick Hynes' work for John McCain. Of course, he can't find any profanity or anti-Catholicism, so he tries other smears:
Miner: Is it fair to call America a “Christian nation”?
Hynes: Yes. America is a Christian nation. As I write in my book, “Is America a Christian nation? Of course it is. Don’t be ridiculous. What a stupid question.
Does McCain agree with that view, or think it is acceptable to label as "stupid" objections to the notion that "America is a Christian nation." Is that not as divisive and offensive, at least, as anything Marcotte wrote?
The problem for Greenwald is that there's almost nobody on the planet outside of a few atheists who believe that America is not a Christian nation.
He also brings up a contest that Hynes had for coming up with a nickname for Henry Waxman. Kind of an oddball idea for a contest, but Greenwald waxes indignant at some of the names the ABP's
commenters came up with. He's especially upset that Waxman's nose was compared to a pig's snout, but Hynes is hardly the first to make that comparison:

Greenwald also brings up Hynes' supposed Mormon-bashing. But in fact, the posts he points to are not Mormon-bashing but legitimate speculation as to whether a Mormon can win the presidency. Given that some polls have shown that over 40% of Americans say they would not vote for a Mormon, it seems a legitimate issue.
Greenwald does bring up one
mildly fair issue, which Patrick has already acknowledged, that he should have disclosed his work for John McCain's PAC a little earlier than he did. But this was in July of 2006; McCain wasn't even a declared candidate for 2008 back then.