The Amazing Race All-Stars Part II watched the opening and I was pretty sure that the only former winners were Joyce & Uchenna. Rob & Ambuh were inevitable, pleased to see the dwarf gal and her good-looking sister, the Beauty Queens and David and Mary. Looks like two gay male couples. One of the Frat Boys returns with one of the gals who got eliminated early on that same season. No obvious villains, no screaming boyfriends from seasons past as far as I can see. We get the obligatory mention that Rob & Ambuh are reality TV royalty.
First task is to fly to Quito. There are two flights, but (obvously because of a layover, the first flight to depart is second to arrive, by a long time. Rob & Amber and a couple others are smart enough to figure out the important thing is when you get there, not when you leave. Team Coal Miner (my faves from last year) remind me why you don't root for dummies, by asking after they've been checked in. But they do con the BQs into sticking around too long to catch the other flight.
As it works out the teams are about divided in half for the two flights. Once in Ecuador, they must find the Plaza San Francisco.

This is a basic cluebox stop; next task is to find Pim's, a nearby restaurant and grab a departure time. Of course, this serves to bunch teams up compared to their arrival times in Ecuador, and thus there is only a half hour between them when the next day starts.
In the morning they must find their way to the Cotopaxi National Park, North Entrance. At least two teams go to the South Entrance and decide to muddle through the park rather than curcumnavigate it. Rob & Ambuh reach the cluebox first: Detour. In Wrangle It, teams must hold down a wild horse while it is being trimmed in the hooves and tail. In Recover It, teams must search a field for a sword, a button, and a pair of epaulets.
Rob & Ambuh try to recover it on the basis that animals are always tricky. But after awhile of looking they decide to do the horse trick. This seems to be the choice of everyone thereafter, and it does not appear particularly challenging which diminishes the drama. At first it looks like the dwarf gal and her sister will be in trouble, but they have come through the south entrance succesfully and gotten back on the path. Jon Vito and Jill, a couple from an earlier season are now apparently in last and sure enough, there is no real drama as they come to the mat last. Rob & Ambuh win the leg.
No roadblock this episode, probably because reintroducing the teams took so long.
Not sure if the
Viking Pundit's going to post on the show this season; he's commenting on another amazing race from Sunday.