Moonbat Hamsher CrowsOn the
supposed surfacing of Jamil Hussein. But
get this bit about conservative bloggers:
They can't raise money. They can't organize. They can't even acknowledge that they've been beating a dead story into the ground because like their fearless leader, they equate admitting they are wrong with failure. Yet they are wrong, almost all the time and about almost everything.
Gee, reading that, you'd think that the liberal blogs have had an unbroken string of success in the last several elections. Whom did you support that won in 2002, or 2004, Jane? Don't let this one successful election (in which, by the way, the main candidate you raised money for and organized for, Ned Lamont, got his butt whipped) go to your head.
The Democrats won this time around, but it was despite the efforts of the liberal blogosphere, no mistake. And it's not like they don't know it; the Democratic leadership has steadfastly refused to take up the causes that many Lefty bloggers are pushing, like impeachment.