Typical Liberal HomophobiaEver notice how the oh-so-tolerant left are just as homophobic as Anita Bryant when it comes time to imagery? Check out
this example from Bob Geiger:
Nausea alert: Do not read this on a full stomach if you're a Progressive, who has had it up to your eyeballs with some elected Democrats regularly accepting prison shower-room, Ned-Beatty-in-'Deliverance' treatment from Republicans and then meekly saying "Thank you, sir, may I have some more?"Somewhat reminiscent of Paul Begala's comment about butt-boys as well. What's got Geiger huffing is the notion that some Democrats actually want to work with the Republicans to forge a consensus. Of course, "progressives" don't want to see this; they want the Republicans to be punished:
Republicans made this bile-filled, partisan stew long ago -- now they can damn well eat it.