Netkooks Try Google-Bombing RunWell, if they lose now, they won't be able to claim it was because they didn't pull out all the stops.
Chris Bowers writes:
Step One: With help form readers at Dailykos and MyDD, I will compile a list of seventy article, one for each targeted race. Every article will focus on a different Republican candidate, and will be written by as generally trusted a news source as possible. It will also present as unflattering a view on the Republican candidate as possible. All of these articles will be placed into a database that I will maintain with the help of willing volunteers.You can probably guess the next step; Google-bomb the candidates with hyperlinks to that article.
It's tempting to dismiss this as a desperation ploy, but it's actually not all that bad an idea. Remember, during the 2004 election, conservative bloggers did a great job getting John Kerry's campaign website to come up under a Google Bomb for "waffles"?
Of course, it depends on there being mainstream media articles that while non-partisan, portray the Republican in a negative light. Okay, that doesn't seem all that difficult, thanks to our wonderful, unbiased media.
Maybe we could do the same?
Robert Menendez.
Harry Reid. Sherrod Brown.