Dad of Girl Who Threatened Bush Speaks UpSheesh, this family is now officially on their sixteenth minute of fame. The dad does admit his daughter was wrong and the Secret Service right to caution her and provides
a little additional detail:
Julia also had encouraged, through the MySpace site, communications with her middle school classmates and friends who "wanted to stab" the president. Julia had taken the picture and the offensive words off her Web site during the summer after learning in her spring semester history class that such starkly expressed sentiments were against the law.
As the Oct. 13 front-page story in The Sacramento Bee recounts, my wife Kirstie and I were unaware that our computer-savvy daughter had expressed her political passions in such inflammatory and inappropriate terms, and we agreed with the Secret Service agents that they had every right to sternly warn her about the seriousness of using violent imagery to express her dislike of Bush administration policies.But we also see the fuzzy-headed thinking of liberals apparent in this section:
The things about Bush that Julia dislikes the most are his bigoted attitude toward gays and lesbians and his know-nothing attitude toward global warming. Though we share these perceptions, she has reached them independently, and she feels them with fervor.His bigotry being expressed in his desire to prevent gays and lesbians from getting married, despite the fact that they have been getting married in this country for hundreds of years, I suppose. And of course Julia has done marvelous research on the subject of global warming, which give her authority in this area.