Munsil Vows to Replace AZ 9-11 MemorialThis story seems to have really caught on; Drudge highlighted it yesterday. Now Len Munsil, Republican candidate for Arizona governor
has made it an issue in his race against incumbent Democrat Janet Napolitano.
Munsil said that taken as a whole, the messages indict the U.S. government and mock the Bush administration.
Other critics of the sculpture have objected to specific messages, including one that says, "You don't win battles of terrorism with more battles."
"It's an anti-war mentality and an anti-American mentality," said Munsil, who won the Republican bid one day after the memorial was dedicated on Sept. 11. "The people of Arizona need to know that this is what's on state property."Amazingly, Napolitano continues to support the project:
During last week's dedication ceremony, Napolitano said the memorial was built to preserve the meaning of Sept. 11 for future generations. While flying to Prescott on Monday, Napolitano called the memorial "impressive and meaningful" and continued to support it.
"It's a respectful memorial to the tragedy of 9/11," she said. "For him to politicize the 9/11 memorial like that is just shameful. I just think it's very sad."That's just not going to cut it. I have long assumed that Napolitano would win this election going away, but here's a real issue that Munsil may be able to turn to his advantage.