Pat Hynes Climbs Aboard the Straight Talk ExpressI've been sure that
this was coming for awhile; it's a major reason why I've been much more tempered about my criticism of John McCain. That, and of course, because he hasn't given me as much to be angry about. Note: The reason Hynes' apparent enthusiasm for McCain made me tone my criticism is not because I worry about losing my treasured place on their blogroll, but because I respect Hynes' political instincts.
BTW, this absolutely means McCain is running in 2008. No surprise, but they can't plausibly deny it any longer.
I prefer McCain over Giuliani and Mitt Romney. George Allen's still a possible, but he's gotta keep his Senate seat to have a chance and while it's still likely, it's looking shakier than it did five months ago. I wouldn't mind seeing somebody like Pawlenty or Newt or Bill Owens.
I want first and foremost to win the election. For me, getting a true conservative as our nominee is desirable and I absolutely agree that McCain's not that. But he would absolutely win if he got the nomination, so he's very attractive on that score.