Taking Greenwald to the WoodshedSister Toldjah
spanks Glenn Greenwald for his tepid condemnation of Deb Frisch (the blogstalker who threatened Jeff Goldstein's two-year-old son) and his simultaneous, "Why aren't the righty bloggers condemning this other post".
Greenwald's a bright guy, but I don't recollect him taking the lefty blogosphere to task over their sins, and Sister Toldjah does a good job of checking on that:
For someone who supposedly doesn’t tie himself to either party, Greenwald has this peculiar fascination with slamming all things conservative, while curiously staying either silent or utilizing the generalized ‘both sides have crazies’ condemnation routine towards the left. His assertion about the right having to "dig" to find reprehensible statements by the left is laughable - there are many more out there beyond the examples I posted which don’t require any digging beyond a simple Google search.BTW,
here's the post over at the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler that Greenwald wants us to condemn:
So keep that in mind. Should we ever make the mistake of capturing any of the perpetrators of the war crime against PFCs Menchaca and Tucker alive, we can forget about interrogating them in order to catch the rest, according to the Supreme Whores. Well, unless they’re willing to give up information if we ask “pretty please?”, since anything other than that has been deemed illegal by those blackrobed tyrants. Are we exaggerating? Try doing anything to those mutilating darlings of the Supremes in order to extract life-saving intel from them, and then wait for the Supreme Whores to decide that you were “humiliating” them in doing so.
Five ropes, five robes, five trees.
Some assembly required.Clearly a joke, not terribly funny, arguably offensive. Certainly not something that I would applaud, but also not something I'd get on my high horse about.
Greenwald specializes in this moaning about the righty blogosphere and how hypocritical they are for not condemning what he wants them to condemn.