A Review of Pat Hynes'
In Defense of the Religious RightBig Mo over at Townhall gives
it high marks:
Perhaps the most surprising part is his revelation that a huge key to Bush’s—and the GOP's—victory in 2004 was the hundreds of thousands of small Bible groups that served as impromptu political action groups. They generally share the same values, the same ideals—and the same politics. And that, Hynes discovered, is how the word spread and things happened all across the country for 2004. Not through massed marches, big celebrity concerts and billionaire bucks that the liberals employed—but word of mouth.I will have my own review of
In Defense of the Religious Right next week. Pat is one of the co-bloggers over at
Ankle-Biting Pundits.
Update: Third Wave Dave reports that
Pat was on the radio with Andrea Shea King and Mark Vance the other day.