Random BitsWho knew Hillary's boobs were that big? Kitty Myers
has the story. Of course, she does have a third boob that's even bigger living in Chappaqua.
Kevin Aylward comes down
square against blogging on the taxpayer's dime. I don't know; considering the blogger in question is working in John Conyer's office, I think she might be saving us all a lot of money by blogging. Besides, she's even bigger than Hillary up top!
Getting off that topic, we turn to the Senate, where John Hawkins has a list of his most
competitive Senate races. I like his list, but my local sources tell me that Kyl's poll numbers don't look as good as he'd like them to. The fortunate thing is that everybody agrees that Pederson is turning out to be a disaster as a candidate. But it does cause me some concern; if an incumbent Republican with strong marks in a solid Republican state isn't doing well, then there could be trouble elsewhere. I'd certainly move Lieberman into the dogfight territory. But you can't miss the fact that in 5 of the top 7 races, it's a Republican incumbent.
Back to beautiful women, Neander News covers Foxbabe Megan Kendall. Well, no, actually he
blogged about her.
Go check out Chicago Ray to see a
gorgeous, intelligent blog. We covered Ray a lot back in the Kerry Haters days, and it's nice to see him back in the blogosphere.
Oh, and the
Glenn Greenwald Sockpuppet Theatre.