HuffPo Publishes Anti-Semitic ScreedThis is
just disgusting. Stan Goff, who's got the nuttiest of the nutbar bios, claims that he's just anti-Zionist:
Let's just get something out of the way right up front, before I go any further. Zionism is not Judaism; being Jewish does not make anyone Zionist; and anti-Zionism is not equivalent to anti-Semitism.No, of course not; it's just a coincidence that almost all anti-Zionists are also anti-Jew. And it's not long before we get into the weird claptrap:
As late as 1943, while the Jews of Europe were being exterminated in the millions, the U.S. Congress proposed to set up a commission to "study" the problem. Rabbi Stephen Wise, who was the principal American spokesperson for Zionism, came to Washington to testify against the rescue bill because it would divert attention from the colonization of Palestine. (Sheonman, Ralph, "The Hidden History of Zionism")
Zionists actively collaborated with Nazis. This is a verifiable historical fact. Not only did the Zionist Federation of Germany send a resolution of support to the Nazi Party in 1933, "the World Zionist Organization Congress in 1933 defeated a resolution calling for action against Hitler by a vote of 240 to 43." (ibid.)
The history of Zionist collaboration with fascism is barely touched upon here, because my intent is not to paraphrase the history but simply to make my point about the obscenity of Zionists now laying claim to the Nazi Holocaust as justification for the Palestinian Holocaust they are perpetrating to this very day, all the while claiming that the Palestinians and other Arabs are bent on reproducing Nazi Germany's crimes against them.Somehow he manages to avoid mentioning the sign at Auschwitz, although you can tell he's tempted. But the equation of the real Holocaust with what the Palestinians are experiencing is rather telling.
Damian Penny
has more.