One of the Great Huffpo Comments EverKirsten Powers
writes about a dippy feminist who believes that women should never quit their jobs to have children, pointing out that this sort of attitude shows why feminists have such a bad reputation. Fairly non-controversial, but get this priceless comment by SB Jack:
I usually like your writings. But watching you bend over backwards to defend something that can't be defended looks harder than some yoga postures.
Ms. Hirshman is right...quitting "life" to be a "mommy" and "hausfrau" IS a waste of a talented mind. Let me make this real clear:
Within the context of that belief, I think you can see why this is such a waste. The world has too many mouths to feed already. The youth of this country get shipped off to die in Corporate Wars fought for the profit of others. Our resources are dwindling, please explain why its a good idea to procreate? Is it your vanity at wanting a "little YOU"? Do you think your "precious" is going to save the world? Is "sweetums" going to change your Depends™ when you get old and gray?
Just why in the hell do you or anyone need to procreate?
To "cement" your loving life commitment with your partner? Someone who, by making this choice, you are going to send off to his own hamster wheel while you grow fat and resentful at home? What a great plan.
Being a mommy WAS a career choice when bearing offspring was about populating the farm with helping hands. Mommy was the shop boss. Now, she's wasting petroleum and incresing pollution driving all over town to take the little ankle-bitiers off to soccer in SUV.
Get an education and then go do something with it other than wipe the snotty noses of your sniveling over-privileged children. There are plenty of uneducated idiots who believe Jay-Sus will provide who keep their legs apart for the ingress and egress of their dip-witted spawn. Witness Britney "Trailertrash" Spears. Now THAT was some career move.
It has nothing to do with "feminism" and everything to do with making smart choices in a f**ked up world. Motherhood is not a career choice.
The Party of Death, anyone?