Earth to Truthout: There Is No Pony Under the Manure!(Welcome, fellow
Right Wing News readers!)
Sheesh, these guys have decided to
go down with the ship:
What appears to have happened is that - and this is where Truthout blundered - in our haste to report the indictment we never considered the possibility that Patrick Fitzgerald would not make an announcement. We simply assumed - and we should not have done so - that he would tell the press. He did not. Fitzgerald appears to have used the indictment, and more importantly, the fear that it would go public, to extract information about the Plame outing case from Rove.
It was the strawberries, that was the clue!
Yes, it does appear that Truthout was used, but not lied to or misled. The facts appear to have been accurate.Fake, but accurate only counts in National Guard records. Oh, wait a minute, it doesn't count there either!
Our sources provided us with additional detail, saying that Fitzgerald is apparently examining closely Dick Cheney's role in the Valerie Plame matter, and apparently sought information and evidence from Karl Rove that would provide documentation of Cheney's involvement. Rove apparently was reluctant to cooperate and Fitzgerald, it appears, was pressuring him to do so, our sources told us.Oh, you mean the lefties are going to have to settle for Cheney? Snort, chuckle! That's like telling them, "Yes, it's true there's no pony under the manure--it's a unicorn!"
This is pathetic. It's Mary Mapes muttering about peripheral spacing, it's OJ saying he's going to find the killer.