Lorie Byrd on Sitting It OutWriting in Townhall,
Lorie notes:
There are many now arguing that even if we had to endure two years of Speaker Pelosi or Majority Leader Reid, it would pay off in the long run, perhaps as the first two years of the Clinton administration resulted in the 1994 Republican landslide. Well, this is not 1994. Even two years of control of one branch of the government could do irreparable harm at a time when the outcome of the mission in Iraq and the status of judicial appointments is at such a delicate and critical point.Disagree, dissent, march, email, telephone the White House and the Congress, heck, even mail a brick, but it doesn’t make sense to completely destroy the man who will be leading the country for two more years, or to destroy the Republican Party unless you are ready to accept the agenda of Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid.Expressing the opposite view is our
old buddy Teflon:
I have been voting GOP my entire life. I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1992. I voted for Bob Dole in 1996. I voted for this president in 2000, and again in 2004. In between, I've voted a straight party line ticket in every congressional race.
In 2006, I will stay home and watch TV.