Who Is More Angry?
A fair number of bloggers were annoyed at the Washington Post article this weekend on blogger Maryscott O'Connor, claiming that it just reinforced the media's image of bloggers (especially Lefty bloggers) as angry kooks.
But I don't think there's any doubt that there's much more hatred and venom on the Left than there is on the Right. Perhaps you can argue that situation would have been reversed if there'd been a lot of blogging during the Clinton years.
Check out the emails that Michelle Malkin
has been getting over posting the names, phone numbers and email addresses of the PR flacks for the UCSC Students Against War. Never mind that these folks gave out the information in postings on Indy Media and elsewhere.
I'm personally appalled at the disgusting things they write to her; for one thing the sexism and racism from folks who supposedly pride themselves on their tolerance is revealing.
Let me point out as well that the goofs at SAW have also been getting some pretty vicious emails as well. That's unfortunate; this shouldn't be about the individuals, but about the general principles.
But I don't buy the equivalency argument, either. SAW was wrong to block access to information; in a lot of ways they are no better than book burners or Google China. Michelle Malkin simply found information that was already on the web and reprinted it.