Who Are the Students Against War?Michelle Malkin
covered the story of the students who disrupted a job fair at the University of California, Santa Cruz, forcing military recruiters to leave. The
San Francisco Chronicle has more:
Students Against War members said they were pleased that their counter-recruiting effort forced the military personnel off campus, at least for the time being.
"We're saying it's not OK to recruit on high school campuses, it's not OK to recruit on university campuses,'' Marla Zubel, a UC Santa Cruz senior and member of Students Against War, said. "In order to stop the war, you have to make it more difficult to wage war."
The student organization has become a bit of a cause celebre of the national anti-war movement ever since it was discovered that the group's protest of the same job fair last April landed it in a Pentagon surveillance file, which listed the protest as a "credible threat" to military facilities or personnel.So the question becomes, who are the Students Against War?
I did some digging. Here's the
top website for a Google search of "Students Against War".
Welcome to the online home of Students Against War. SAW is a network of students and other young people opposed to U.S. military interventions. We are a coalition of groups and individuals based in the upper-Midwest that was founded on the evening of September 11, 2001.Yep, that's right. They were founded on the day America was attacked. While others were mourning the dead and demanding retribution, the kooks on the left were already organizing an antiwar movement. Remember, most of the Left have conveniently forgotten that they opposed the war in Afghanistan, now claiming that was perfectly appropriate; that it was Iraq that was "a war too far".
Here are some
handy chants:
Out of Afghanistan Out of Iraq
Out of Palestine And don't come back!Although this one seems a tad dated:
No Attack Against Iraq, End the Sanction NowHere's information on the
UCSC Students Against War.
Their discussion of Counter-Military Recruitment:
The counter-recruitment campaign seeks to ban recruiters from both UCSC and Santa Cruz County high schools. The military is a racist, homophobic, and sexist institution. As an employer it violates the anti-discrimination policy of UCSC.Here's a particularly
stupid sign:

Here's the webpage of the
UCSC Students Against War.
Here are another couple charming signs: