Where I Stand 2006--Updated
I've done a couple similar posts in the past. You deserve to know where the blogger you're reading stands on the important issues of the time:
1. Taxes: Generally against them, but they are necessary. I'm not convinced there's a whole lot of economic growth we can get by cutting them much more. The national sales tax sounds interesting but I'm not convinced it's the best method.--Update: I agree with Kitty on the death/inheritance tax and taxation of Social Security; both should be abolished.
2. Abortion: Generally opposed morally, conflicted legally. I'd go with severe restrictions late term and general legality in the first trimester.
3. Culture: I'm receptive to the concept of ratings and restrictions. Janet Jackson's nipple was no accident, it was just another effort to push the boundaries.
4. Immigration: Not my hot button; about my only concern is that the border is porous not only for those who want to come to America but also to those who want to terrorize it.
5. Defense: The reason we have a federal government.
6. Federalism (as requested by commenter Paul): I am generally in favor of states' rights, and believe that the federal government has overreached in many areas. The federal government should primarily be concerned with world affairs, except where states are interfering with the rights guaranteed to all Americans.
Bias: I am a Republican. I will generally support Republicans over Democrats. I may make decisions based on that preference or opposed to that preference depending on individual candidates. You should definitely assume that I am presenting a Republican point of view on the news, and that I will tend to pick up more on stories that affirm my view than those that do not. But I will never lie to you. I'll never tell you things are good when I think they're bad.
Questions on specific issues welcomed; expect that I will reply in the post for the world to see.