The Second Dancer
At the
Duke lacrosse party speaks.
At first, a stripper who performed at a Duke University lacrosse team party doubted the story of a colleague who told police she was dragged into a bathroom and raped. Now, Kim Roberts isn't so sure.
"I was not in the bathroom when it happened, so I can't say a rape occurred ? and I never will," Roberts told The Associated Press on Thursday in her first on-the-record interview. But after watching defense attorneys release photos of the accuser, and upset by the leaking of both dancers' criminal pasts, she said she has to "wonder about their character."Of course, no questions about the character of the accuser?
Roberts said Thursday she does not remember Seligmann's face, but said she recalls seeing Finnerty--whom she described as the "little skinny one."
Skinny I will grant her. But little? My guess is that he's 6'4" or taller. I'm sure the defense is filing that remark away.