The Real Scoop on DeLay?Pat Hynes found out
what really happened with DeLay's resignation, which was planned in advance.
This makes quite a bit of sense when combined with
this from Time:
DeLay said he is likely to leave by the end of May, depending on the Congressional schedule and finishing his work on a couple of issues. He said he will change his legal residence to his condominium in Alexandria, Va., from his modest two-story home on a golf course here in the 22nd District of Texas. "I become ineligible to run for election if I'm not a resident of the state of Texas," he said, turning election law to his purposes for perhaps on last time. State Republican officials will then be able to name another Republican candidate to face Democrat Nick Lampson, a former House members who lost his seat in a redistricting engineered by DeLayObvious conclusion: DeLay had previously checked out under what circumstances he could withdraw from the race after the primary. Second obvious conclusion: DeLay didn't want one or more of his primary opponents getting his seat.