Moron the SAWI see Don Surber's
making sure his reputation as an iconoclast stays intact.
The names were on a press release that was taken down after the students realized that bloggers are not newspapermen and will publish your name, your address and your personal diary if you let them.Okay, and of those three she published the names, from a public relations release.
Lots of news sites publish PR pieces complete with the name, phone number, and email attached. Here's one I found with no difficulty (unfortunately there's no permalink, but I found it under "Xinhua Far East China Ratings"):
For more information, please contact:
Hong Kong
Joy Tsang,
Corporate & Investor Communications Director,
Xinhua Finance
Tel: +852-3196-3983, +8621-6113-5999 or +852-9486-4364
Email: joytsangatxinhuafinancedotcom
David Leeney
Taylor Rafferty (IR/PR Contact in US)
Tel: +1-212-889-4350
Email: davidLeeneyattaylor-raffertydotcomMyDD
proposes a litmus test for the WaPo's new conservative blogger:
I would like to propose a simple "no death threat" litmus test for them as they conduct their search. For starters, don't hire any blogger who posts private phone numbers of college students. Perhaps more importantly, don't hire any blogger whose readers call said phone numbers and issue death threats to said college students. I would take this a step further, and suggest that the Post doesn't hire anyone who blogrolls the death threat issuing blog, but that would exclude around 90% of the conservative blogosphere from consideration. Malkin, is the second most blogrolled conservative blog in the country, with 4,947 conservative blogs giving her a permanent link.Yes, and how many liberal blogs blogroll bookburner Jane Hamsher and Firedog Lake?
And about those poor college students? I strongly suspect that they're thrilled. They've become minor celebs in the Lefty movement, which may explain why Mrs Malkin still does not report receiving a direct request from any of the students themselves to remove the "personal" information.