Moron Loose ChangeHere's a particularly
insipid blog post at the normally reputable Men's News Daily that recommends Loose Change.
Could it be the Twin Towers were wired to crumble? Could it be the planes we saw only told us half the story?
Again, I’m not saying you should believe that’s the case. Nor am I saying you should believe 9/11 was an inside job. But there are reasonable questions that haven’t been answered yet. And at this point, you shouldn’t really know what to believe.No, of course he's not saying that we should believe it. He just wants us to watch Loose Change:
America was built upon being skeptical of the government. If you’re interested in preserving this country, you should be stubborn, spiteful, and skeptical, too. I would suggest that every American head over to Google Video and look up a 9/11 documentary called Loose Change. At times, the narrator treats the conspiracy theories as a given. You’re permitted to ignore this. But just keep watching for factual purposes, and then decide if enough questions have been answered on this issue.Awfully big of him to allow us to ignore the fact that the filmmakers are nutbars, don't you think?
I did a little more digging on the author of this post, and it appears that he's a token liberal at MND. Here's a
post entitled "Don't Blame Me, I Voted for Gore".
Dean Esmay looks at the
five symptoms of conspiracy theories and concludes that all of them fit this film.
As I commented over there, the film suffers from "kitchen sink" syndrome. It's like these guys found a list of all the conspiracy theories about 9-11 and tried to make them all fit together, never mind that some of them are mutually contradictory. For example, consider the supposed missile that the second plane supposedly fires just before striking the second tower. This is kind of an interesting bit and it fits the "pod" under the fuselage. But what is the point of the missile if (as they later claim) it was controlled demolition that brought down the towers?
They're also highly suspicious of the phone calls made from Flight 93, and claim that the voices could be simulated with only 10 minutes of voice recordings of the individuals. But if the government had faked the phone calls, why would Todd Beamer have called a Verizon supervisor instead of his wife? In fact, Beamer had a tough time using the Airphone on the seat back in front of him, which was how he got the woman at Verizon.