Indicted Duke Lacrosse Player Has Alibi--Updated
The story
continues to surprise.
Around midnight the night of March 13, Seligmann was already at the party when two women hired from a local escort agency arrived to dance for the boys — $400 each for a two-hour performance. A series of time-stamped photographs viewed by ABC News show the girls dancing at midnight and at 12:02 a.m.
By 12:24 a.m., a receipt reviewed by ABC indicates that Seligmann's ATM card was used at a nearby Wachovia bank. In a written statement to the defense also reviewed by ABC, a cabdriver confirms picking up Seligmann and a friend a block and a half from the party, and driving them to the bank. By 12:25 a.m., he was making a phone call to a girlfriend out of state.
What did Seligmann do after leaving the bank? The taxi driver remembers taking him to a drive-thru fast-food restaurant and then dropping him off at his dorm. Duke University records show that Seligmann's card was used to gain entry at 12:46 a.m. That looks like a pretty good alibi. Obviously it has to be checked out and documented, but ABC seems pretty sure of itself.
La Shawn points us to the indictments at
The Smoking Gun. What I found striking was this note on the
request for sealed indictments:
....even if all charges were consolidated for judgment and the defendant were sentenced to the minimum sentence in the mitigated range, he would face a sentence of 144-182 months upon conviction.Update II: BDP says the
alibi for the first defendant should make the DA hesitate to bring either defendant to trial.